Section IX - Volunteer
901 Purpose of Volunteer Policies.pdf902 Introduction.pdf903 Personnel Policy Development and Administration.pdf904 Applications.pdf905 Orientation.pdf907 Volunteer Organizations.pdf908 Physical Examinations.pdf909 Driving Record.pdf910 Voluntary Resignation.pdf911 Personnel Records.pdf912 Volunteer Travel Policies, Subsistence and Other Expenses.pdf913 What the District Expects From You.pdf914 Personal Conduct.pdf915 Code of Ethics for District Volunteers.pdf916 Political Activities of Volunteers.pdf917 Cost Consciousness.pdf918 Attendance and Punctuality.pdf918.1 Attendance.pdf918.2 Required Drill Attendance to Stay on Active Status.pdf919 Personal Appearance.pdf920 Appearance of Work Areas.pdf921 Personal Telephone Calls.pdf922 Smoking.pdf923 Drugs and Alcohol.pdf924 Non Discrimination and Harassment.pdf925 Problem Solving Process.pdf926 Fair Treatment Policy.pdf927 Definition of Non-Disciplinary Appeal.pdf928 Hearing of Appeal.pdf929 Discipline.pdf929.1 Discipline SOG.pdf930 Education and Training.pdf931 Volunteer Firefighter Point Pay.pdf